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Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Sustainability is at our core here at THOR, and our sustainability placement students have given us their thoughts on why it's so important now:

As I began to post my fashion designs on social media my knowledge of the fashion industry expanded and, rather negatively, I learnt about the horrendous impact the industry has on climate change. For me, I purchased second-hand clothing for the price point and for my personal designs. If I purchased first-hand items and, it’s a big if, I kept the item for years, regularly rotating its ownership with my sister and friends. I often assumed everyone shared clothing; however, fast fashion produces around 92 million tonnes of waste per year and is the second largest cause of pollution after crude oil!

Although many brands have begun their sustainability journey opting for recycled cottons and polyester, there is no match for clothing landfill poisoning our sweet, mother earth. I believe fast fashion needs to become slow fashion. Slow benefits all, it can combat the ethical issues of modern-day slavery and unjust wages; the global climate crisis; and the vicious cycle of cheap labour. THE HOUSE OF RADHA’s commitment to the slow fashion process is, therefore, what first sold me to this brand. They work on a made to order basis with sustainable and production companies that aligns with a similar brand ethos to THE HOUSE OF RADHA.

The unique designs have interested me further in taking the role of a sustainability assistant because they demonstrate a future for a slow fashion society, where designers create based upon their own inspiration, as opposed to feeding into current trends. The bespoke designs all have their own unique story and inspiration, with messages of self-love and a clear inclusion of racial diversity in the prints, as well as with the models. Radha’s work with FACE (Fashion Academics Creating Equality), who aim to challenge education and the creative industry to include more black and brown academics and professionals, perfectly exemplifies her inclusivity ethos and her support for women’s refuges who have suffered domestic abuse and violence, illustrates her commitment to bettering the world.

THE HOUSE OF RADHA is about more than just clothes, it is about creating a better future for people and for fashion.

Blog written by Grace Abdel-Moneim - Postgraduate Student at Manchester Metropolitan University

I was not aware that there were roles in the fashion industry dedicated just to sustainability. I want to be part of the fashion industry but, more importantly, I want to be part of a change.

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