The news is out! THE HOUSE OF RADHA has officially launched the WE-R1 podcast series. Providing you with inspirational stories, ways to keep motivated and insights into the various creative industries. This podcast series is particularly useful for anyone that’s looking for a role model, information about an industry or simply just to feel more enthusiastic and determined. Covering industries of music, art, fashion, photography, theatre and so much more!
Robert L. Smith started it off with insights into the music industry, highlighting his work with famous musicians such as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Lady Gaga. With a cheerful and lively attitude, he shares his secret to success – but you’ll need to listen to hear it! He shares some fantastic ways to keep determined and it’s obvious he is in love with his job, which really makes you think about the importance of selecting the right career for you. Robert demonstrates a humbling point of view, even though he has worked with so many high profile artists, he never boasts or gloats. He does however, always stay focussed on his career, claiming he’s lucky enough to create a new song every day!
In episode two, Rita Flanagan, founder of Backbone photography London presents herself as a driven, enthusiastic and innovative photographer. She references to never feeling like her job is work, which is a major inspiration to us all. She speaks from the heart when opening up about the struggles for women in the industry. In a world that sometimes feels against women’s success, she highlights the importance of believing in yourself. ‘Don’t talk, do, it’s about doing’ she states, as she radiates an energetic and driven attitude. That is an important life lesson for anyone, to stop speaking about your dreams and start contributing to them.
Please be part of the journey and listen to WE-R1 on spotify and apple podcasts!!